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Stop Snoring
To know how to stop snoring, we must determine the primary cause of your snoring. At the Ruiz de Dental Clinic, we can help you improve your lifestyle by planning quality treatments to stop snoring. Our medical team is committed to diagnosing all pathologies that affect your day-to-day life early. Visit our dental clinic in Madrid and discover everything we can do for you.
The Causes of Stop Snoring
Before talking to you about how to stop snoring, we must consider the possible causes of snoring. Depending on this, the options to avoid annoying snoring can vary considerably.
- Suffer from sleep pane.
- Disorders in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
- Abnormal development of the tonsils.
- Overweight persons are more likely to snore at night. This is due to increased fat in the throat and the areas through which air should enter the lungs.
- Alcohol and tobacco increase the chances of snoring at night.
- Sleeping on your back is also a condition to cause snoring.
Do you Suffer from Sleep Apnea?
One of the leading reasons for snoring is sleep apnea. However, this condition is quite limiting since it generates natural disorders in the quality of life, causing those who suffer from the problem to show clear signs of irritability or extreme tiredness.
Snoring is one of the most apparent indications of sleep apnea, but many more signs can alert you that your airways are not working correctly. If you sign any of the following indications, you should go to a specialist who can offer you a quality assessment of your situation:
- Feeling of fatigue and tiredness when you wake up.
- Constant sleep during the day.
- Emit snoring when sleeping.
- Constantly waking up at night.
- Feeling short of breath every time you wake up.
- Headache and discomfort upon waking.
- Serious concentration problems in your day-to-day life.
- Memory loss.
- Stress and anxiety, in approximate cases, can evolve into depression.
How To Stop Snoring?
In this article, we want to explain how to stop snoring. For this reason, we will discuss the prevention of snoring and the possible treatments to avoid snoring when sleeping. As we have already told you before, determining the causes that make it possible for this to happen is very important.
Snoring Prevention
If you are overweight, you should remedy it. First, follow a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables to lose weight. In addition, practising moderate exercise is key to preventing overweight. On many occasions, snoring is a direct consequence of weight problems due to fat accumulation in the throat and near the respiratory tract.
- Do not drink alcohol before going to sleep or considerably limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages at night.
- If you suffer from respiratory problems, put yourself in the hands of specialists to follow an optimal treatment.
- If you suffer from some nasal congestion, you should take a quality treatment to avoid it.
- Avoid tiredness and bet on sleeping what is necessary to enjoy an excellent quality of life. But unfortunately, lack of sleep can also increase the risk of snoring.
- Try to breathe through your nose, as far as possible, to avoid snoring.
- The position in which you sleep is also essential. For example, sleeping on your back is not suitable for stopping snoring.
Treatments to Stop Snoring
At the Ruiz, de D entails Clinic, we will tell you how to stop snoring successfully. The most significant thing is to have a quality diagnosis. If your snoring results from a mild breathing problem related to sleep apnea, Orthopnoea dental splints are a great solution.
These dental appliances are very similar to bruxism relief splints or Invisalign aligners. In the dental clinic, we custom design these devices placed in the dental arch to improve air access to the lungs.
The splints to stop snoring slightly advance the jaw, facilitating the passage of air through the respiratory tract and preventing night snoring. In addition to not snoring, it will improve your quality of life since you can enjoy a restful sleep every night.
Homemade Solutions to Stop Snoring
When snoring is caused by sleep apnoea, it is essential to go to the doctor in search of solutions. However, if the situation is not very serious, you can try some home remedies that can help you stop snoring.
You probably snore if you wake up with a dry mouth in the morning. By breathing directly through it, the air enters your pharynx cooler –think that one of the nose functions is to warm it–. Therefore, your mouth dries out quickly. And it is not uncommon among Spaniards: 20% of men and 10% of women snore, according to the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC).
If you succeed, it will improve your health (think snoring increases the risk of hypertension and circulatory problems) and your family relationships. And it is that snoring can be very annoying, especially for the person who shares a bed with you if you sleep with a partner.
What is Snoring, and why do they Occur?
Snoring is nothing more than a vibration of the walls of the upper airways (which go from the nose to the larynx). Several reasons cause this vibration to be generated and remember that knowing them is essential to combat them and stop snoring.
Nasal polyps are small soft bodies that appear when the mucosa overgrows (hypertrophies) and fills with fluid. And they can also reduce air passage, causing the friction that generates snoring.
Some physical characteristics: Having a large or more expansive tongue at the base, a deviated nasal septum, a broad and short neck, or huge tonsils favours them.
A cold or an allergy: Nasal congestion or allergic rhinitis, in addition to causing mucus, sometimes causes inflammation that obstructs the nose. The consequence is that we breathe badly and snore.
Certain medications: Those that have a sedative effect, such as muscle relaxants and some antihistamines, can cause the muscles and tissues of the throat to relax excessively. By not contracting effectively, they take up more space, making it easier for the throat’s soft tissues to vibrate against each other. The same thing happens with alcohol.
Tips to Stop Snoring
Let’s start with some easy tricks:
Sleep on your lateral and not on your back: Most of the time, you snore when asleep on your back, as gravity pulls your jaw back and closes off your airway. If you have a worry sleeping on your side, you can wear an “anti-snoring t-shirt”, which you can easily make at home. You have to sew a small pocket on the back of a shirt and place a small ball inside, which will prevent you from lying on your back due to the discomfort caused by the ball.
Lose weight: Even being slightly overweight can trigger snoring. You can check your form mass index here
Avoid alcohol and tobacco: they are often the cause of snoring. Alcohol relaxes the muscles and, together with smoking, they are essential irritant of the mucosa of the airways and the lungs
Try nasal strips: Nasal strips are sold in pharmacies and are strips that stick to the outside of the nose and keep it open while you sleep
Drink enough water: having dry breathing passages also causes snoring. Therefore, drinking enough water can help prevent them. Drinking enough water during the day and having it on hand. It is your bed, if you wake up at night, is essential.
Anti-snoring Treatments of Stop Snoring
CPAP devices (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure): These devices introduce, through a mask, pressurized air into the airways so that they continue open during sleep. They, therefore, prevent snoring; and the derived inconveniences. In such as night awakenings. It is used for severe cases of apnea.
Mandibular advancement devices (MAD) are intraoral devices that advance the jaw to move the muscles and open the airway, allowing better air to enter the lungs. There are different types: soft or rigid, adjustable, and tailored… Therefore, depending on the personal characteristics of each patient, the professional will recommend the appropriate MAD for each person.
Surgery: If none of the overhead methods works, surgery is used. It consists of operating on the soft palate, tonsils, and adenoids. It depends on where the cause of the blockage that produces the problem is found.
We all know that snoring is the annoying noise we make when sleeping. Or rather, it makes us the person next to us when sleeping. Snoring occurs when air flows into the last relaxed tissues of the throat. It causes the tissues to shake as you breathe, creating hoarse or loud sounds.