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Home Remedies for Blood in Cat Stool – Types, Causes, and More

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Blood in Cat Stool

Any pet that we decide to welcome home remedies for blood in cat stool into our home needs care that ensures it enjoys a good quality of life. For this care, we need a vital resource, our time. We need time to accompany our pet, pamper it and be attentive to any changes that may indicate a change in its health. These changes can observe clearly through food, urine, and evacuation.

In this Animal Wised article, we focus on evacuation and talk about the presence of blood in the cat’s faces, a fairly common occurrence that can occur for many reasons. In this way, if you observe benefits this sign in your feline, accompanied or not by other symptoms, keep reading to discover everything about bloody stools in cats.

My Cat Poops Blood, is it Normal?

Finding blood in the cat’s faces is not normal and should be understood as a warning sign since everything that affects the peptic system can have a systemic impact on our pet’s body. Hence the cat’s diet is one of the most critical factors in maintaining your health.

Elements such as blood or mucus must not interpret as typical signs in the faces, but this does not necessarily imply that they are due to a severe disease that compromises the animal’s life.

Types of Blood in Cat Stool Feces

One of the first features that we must distinguish and that will be very useful to give the veterinarian the appropriate information is the colour of the blood since it has different meanings. Let’s see below why this is so important and what each colouration means:

Red blood in cat faces: If the blood in cat poop is red, it indicates that it has remained digest and therefore comes after the lower digestive tract, typically the colon or rectum. In this case, we speak of hematochezia, and we can find the stained faces or observe how the blood falls once our cat defecates.

Black blood in the cat’s faces: If the blood present in the faces of our cats is black, this designates that it has been processed and, therefore, comes from the upper part of the digestive tract. Here we are talking about melena, and blood is more difficult to classify, but it is branded with an appearance similar to that of tar.

Causes of Blood in Cat Stool

Causes of Blood in Cat Stool

The causes of this illness can vary, and the severity, treatment and prognosis will vary depending on each specific reason. So next, we will see what the leading causes that can cause the presence of blood in your cat’s faces are:

Eating errors: a sudden change in diet, overeating or choosing a low-quality best food can irritate the colon and cause alterations in both the removal and the composition of the stool, causing the presence of blood in it. So, if you’ve recently changed your diet and noticed that your cat poops red blood, this may be the problem. Therefore, it is important to introduce any changes gradually, first mixing both foods and progressively removing the old food. Likewise, if the cause is poor-quality feed, it is as simple as acquiring a more suitable one.

Intestinal parasites: Intestinal parasites that can infest your cat’s gastrointestinal tract commonly cause bloody stools. In this case, we will also detect signs such as uneasiness, faintness and even weight loss.

Damage to the Rectal Sheath

The rectum is a highly vascular area with an excellent blood supply; this also means it is susceptible and delicate. When the cat shadows a diet deficient in fiber, constipation and a more significant effort to evacuate can occur, damaging the rectal mucosa and causing it to bleed.

Colitis: colitis is a term that indicates inflammation of the colon and that produces bleeding. In the mucosa of this intestinal section that, later, externalize in the stool. It with the attendance of blood. In the cat, colitis can produce by the settlement of bacteria of the Clostridium genus.

Injuries: due to their independent and exploratory nature, cats are very susceptible to various types of blows. These can cause internal bleeding that, although not visible. A manifest through the presence of blood in the faces.

Taking NSAIDs: NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and can use in cats and dogs as long as they are for veterinary use. Generally, they are used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. However, due to their mechanism of action, this type of anti-inflammatory reduces the secretion of protective mucus in the abdomen and can cause bleeding ulcers in the gastric mucosa. In these cases, it share to observe a picture of vomiting and bloody stools in cats.

Tumors: One cause of blood in the cat’s stool the overgrowth of cells in the peptic tract. This does not imply that the countryside of the tumor benign or malignant. In which the veterinarian will confirm.

Symptoms of Blood in Cat Stool

Detecting diarrhea in cats is not particularly complicated since the main symptom is liquid faces that can also be of other colors. But this is not the only symptom that can determine that your cat has diarrhea. it can also experience other symptoms :

  • Abundant flatulence
  • Weight loss
  • Anorexia (does not want to eat)
  • Fever
  • General discomfort
  • elusive attitude
  • Aggressiveness
  • try to hide
  • nausea and vomiting.

If you also observe the appearance of blood in the cat’s faces. I do not hesitate and go to the veterinarian immediately, as it could be an internal hemorrhage. Remember that you cannot drug him, even if you think that will help him. By not knowing the type of diarrhea the cat is suffering from and its actual cause giving. It medication can cause the intestinal flora to become even more unbalanced and the diarrhea to worsen. Therefore, it is essential that if you want to provide him with a drug, you first have a specialist’s opinion.

My Cat has Diarrhea; What Do I Do?

My Cat has Diarrhea; What Do I Do?

As soon as you detect diarrhea in your cat, you must stop feeding it for at least 12 hours. The fasting period is essential for the intestinal cells to regenerate and for the bacterial flora (responsible for absorbing nutrients from food) to develop properly. Remember that the usual feed we give to animals does not allow the flora to replenish itself. If so we will not eliminate the imbalance.

  • Boiled chicken without bones, without salt and spices.
  • Boiled white rice (never brown!) that does not contain salt.
  • Boiled potato without salt.
  • Boiled white fish and also without salt.

Treatment of Diarrhea in Blood in Cat Stool

If, after fasting and the introduction of a soft diet, your cat continues to have diarrhea or its condition worsens. I do not wait; after a maximum of 24 hours, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory. It so we advise you to go to the nearest veterinary clinic or hospital. Next, explain to the specialist all the symptoms. It you have observed and the steps you follow to improve your condition.

The professional will carry out the tests necessary to reach an accurate diagnosis. A including a urinalysis, a blood test or an ultrasound. He can also prescribe an internal deformer, usually by pill. It to help eliminate worms or parasites that may be causing the symptoms in the feline.


Felines, just like people, can constipate and have diarrhea. As owners, we have to observe his faces in the litter box to assess. If he suffers from any of these discomforts because this way. If we can act with a specific method. In such as incorporating it into his diet or making him fast for a few hours. In any case, if the problem persists. It we recommend going to the vet and putting the cat in the hands of a professional. At One How To, we have set out to offer. If you an extensive list of home remedies for diarrhea in cats that we hope you find useful.