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Ways to Practice Self-Care at Home – Benefits, Types, & Simple

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Ways to Practice Self-Care at Home

Have ways to practice self-care at home space to pamper yourself, practice a hobby or a sport, go to a spa to relax, or read a book while enjoying a hot drink; spending time alone or with friends can be some of the activities necessary to live in harmony and well-being. Life cannot only be based on the speed of work and home care; it is always essential to have the time for self-care.

What is Self-Care?

“Taking care of oneself is a personal responsibility that affects people’s health status and quality of life, especially in the performance of activities of daily living that go beyond meeting basic needs such as eating, sleeping, etc.”, as defined by ACEMI, the Colombian Association of Comprehensive Medicine Companies.

Practicing self-care has nothing to do with the roles you have in life or age. Taking time for yourself and making it a priority allows you to be happier and thoroughly enjoy every moment. Although we initially told you about some self-care-related activities, the concept goes further.

What is Not Self-Care?

It is not a self-centered act; it is not about taking care of the image that people or society have of us; it is not about dieting or stretching like a snake to do an extreme yoga posture. Instead, it is about doing what feels good for you and enjoying those healthy or beneficial activities essential for everyone.

Self-Care is a Choice

Only you can decide how to take care of yourself; no one can do it for you because depending on someone to promote self-care is not a healthy option; this is what self-care consists of, taking responsibility for yourself, taking charge of your health, your emotions, your ideas, and your projects. This does not get nasty that you have to exclude others; you can feel inspired or influenced by those around you, the people you follow on Instagram, magazines, your dietitian, your therapist…etc. But only you can go one step further and start caring for yourself.

Self-Care is a Matter of Balance

Whatever way you take care of yourself or decide to do it, you must have clear one thing: less is more. You do not need to exaggerate or do too many things to find the balance. For this reason, the ideal would be to find the right place between the downpour and the drought. Because in the first, we run the risk of drowning, and in the second, we could faint from thirst.

Benefits of Ways to Practice Self-Care at Home

Benefits of Ways to Practice Self-Care at Home

Improve my productivity: With self-care, you learn to say “no” to things that take too long and start making time for the most important things. If you want to spend just enough time on commitments and have more time for passions, then I recommend reading our article on self-care at work.

Improve my self-esteem:  When we have time for ourselves, a time in which we treat ourselves well and meet our own needs, we send a positive message to our subconscious.

Knowing myself better: Practicing self-care requires thinking about what we like to do and what we need and discovering what excites and inspires us to understand ourselves better.

Having more to give: When you are good to yourself, you may think you are selfish, but it gives you the resources you need to be compassionate to others.

Types of Ways to Practice Self-Care at Home

One of the main excuses we give ourselves for not persisting in self-care is: we don’t have time. Luckily, there are many things we can do for ourselves, and none of them are complicated or require a lot of planning; the trick is to find something that we enjoy that fits our life and values.

Emotional Self-Care: When it comes to our emotional health, one of the best tips is to ensure that we are fully connected with our emotions. Remember that feelings are not “good” or “bad.” You are not to blame for your senses; just how you behave towards them.

  • Emotional self-care ideas
  • Keep a journal and be honest about your feelings.
  • Give yourself time to reflect and recognize what is not working.
  • Consult a therapist or doctor when we feel we cannot solve our problems alone.
  • Take the time to be with a friend or family member who understands us.
  • Accept emotions without judging them.
  • To meditate.
  • Laugh, watching a movie or videos.
  • Allow yourself to cry.

Physical self-care: Physical self-care is about taking care of our body; here, we take care of our health since physical activity is vital for our physical well-being, which also helps to let off steam and release stress. Some of the activities you can do:

  • Cook a nutritious meal.
  • Go to bed a little earlier.
  • Prepare for the morning from the night before so you can sleep a little longer.
  • Do yoga. Some poses are perfect for beginners, even if you’ve never tried them.
  • Join a class and play a new sport.
  • Go for a run with your dog (or a friend’s)!
  • Take a simple walk.

Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care at Home

Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care at Home

We live so caught up in our obligations and are already so adapted to filling our daily lives with a thousand activities that we often cannot find time for ourselves. To maintain this way of life where there is no room for pause and no room for contemplation, we don’t think twice about putting self-care on the back burner.

Self-care is fundamental to our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. It is what helps us:

Recognize our value and maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves if we practice self-care, our self-esteem and confidence increase.

Balance work and personal life: Being a workaholic is not a quality. It is not uncommon for people who only work to develop heart disease, are more stressed and anxious, and may even suffer burnout syndrome.

Manage stress: Consistent self-care habits like eating healthy, connecting with loved ones, or meditating reduce the effects of stress by improving our mood and recharging our energy.

Stop just existing to start living: You only live once, and giving more meaning to our existence is essential. When we income care of ourselves, we have the opportunity to enhance our abilities to build an extraordinary life.

Now that you know approximately the benefits of self-care, we give you ten valuable tips to practice it:

1. How Healthy

Food is our fuel, and a healthy diet reduces the risk of contracting a disease, improves our disposition, and strengthens our immunity and mood. It is not only related to aesthetics or weight loss but to feeling good inside and out. It is also important to hydrate. About 70% of our body is made up of water; if we do not maintain the proper water level, we do not produce solid chemical reactions.

2. Sleep

Many studies have shown that a good night’s sleep improves memory, reduces anxiety and aggression, helps control weight, and increases creativity. The World Health Organization (WHO) insists that sleep is not a pleasure but a necessity and recommends that adults should sleep at least six hours a day. On the other hand, lack of rest can reduce the ability to concentrate, generate gastric and appetite problems, and increase irritation, among others.

3. Hug More

A hug goes beyond simple physical contact, as it helps improve physical and emotional health. When we receive demonstrations of affection, such as a hug, the body releases oxytocin, also recognized as the love hormone, because it is related to our ability to bond with other people. The release of oxytocin provides well-being and satisfaction. In addition, a prolonged hug (more than 15 seconds) helps regulate breathing, relax, and strengthen self-esteem and the immune system.

4. Play Sports

Regular physical activity is not just about getting in shape or increasing the size of your muscles. Exercise benefits go much further, and sports can even lengthen your life expectancy. In addition, exercises are a great ally to combat depression, anxiety, sadness, and stress.

Lack of time must not be an excuse for not exercising since, with 30 minutes a day. It is already possible to notice changes in physical and mental health. And if you are still not convinced, sport too:

  • Increases memory and speed of thought
  • Helps sleep better
  • Strengthens self-esteem
  • Increase energy.

5. Do Something Just for Fun

When was the last period you did something just for fun? Without thinking of a tangible benefit? Having fun without thinking about anything else is a great way to take care of yourself. So take a few notes out of your day to turn up the music and dance. If play a game, decorate the house with flowers, tell a joke, or do any other activity that makes you smile.


Self-care is well-being and generosity; it is thinking of ourselves and others. It is a responsibility for our mental, physical and emotional health. The family is the reflection of our self-care. If the parents are well, the others can be well. Why? According to our routines and habits, this is how our days will be. And when we are parents, our importance on our well-being influences our children and everyone we love.