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Remedies of Medicinal – Examples, History, Benefits, and More

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Remedies of Medicinal

Remedies of medicinal plants are organic existences that live and grow but do not have the motor capacity (that is, they cannot move from one home to another by voluntary impulse). Vegetables such as potatoes and trees are part of this group, which is studied by botany. On the other hand, medicine belongs to or relates to medicine. This concept, which comes from Latin medicine, links to the science that allows us to prevent and cure human diseases. Medicine is also a substitute for medicine (the substance that prevents, alleviates, or cures diseases or their sequelae).

Medicinal plants, therefore, are persons that can use in the action of a condition. The parts or extracts of these florae are used in infusions, balms, creams, tablets, capsules, or other formats.

What is a Medicinal Plant?

We give the name of the medicinal plant to all those plants with favourable properties that can use either directly (by consuming them or applying them to the skin) or macerated or infused to contribute to the recovery or improvement of the health status of a person—subject with some disease.

The use of these substances has remained known since antique times, and more than semi-a thousand medicinal plants call the Ebbers papyrus (Egypt, around 1550 BC). And with time and observing new species and varieties, we can find many more.

Some Examples Remedies of from Medicinal Plants

It is necessary to say that there are many florae that, due to their possessions and characteristics, have come to name medicinal plants; meanwhile, they contribute to refining a person’s health. However, among the most incredibly important, those that are careful, most valuable and effective are the following:

  • Aloe vera: Great for relieving burns and their consequences plant used in cosmetics to achieve soft and smooth skin.
  • Chamomile: Within the so-called “grandma’s tricks” is the use of this medicinal plant that is prepared as an infusion, and taking it helps to improve various intestinal-type problems.
  • Evening primrose: Oil is how this creation used, which has become one of the most effective natural remedies for dealing with both cases of rheumatoid arthritis and cholesterol. In the latter case, it reduces its levels for the health of the person in question.
  • Ginseng: When we talk about medicinal plants, we must not forget this additional alternative that helps not only to recover diabetes but also to end the erectile dysfunction problems that many men suffer from. All this without forgetting that it provides a lot of energy to the body.

Hibiscus for hypertension, lavender to ease problems and anxiety, or turmeric to heal various injuries beforehand the most used medicinal plants.

Its use throughout the History Remedies of Medicinal

Its use throughout the History Remedies of Medicinal

Plant-based remedies have used since prehistory. Records of this type of medicine have been found in almost every ethos. The modern medicinal industry, for its part, is based on this knowledge and the processing or synthesis of various active values of plants.

What plants do is, through their metabolism, produce materials from the nutrients they obtain from the environment. Therefore, the secondary metabolites obtained from medicinal plants are those compounds for therapeutic use.

Beneficial compounds are found in certain parts of the plant, such as its seeds, roots, leaves, or flowers. Therefore, the amount usable by medicine depends on the species in question.

Characteristics Remedies of Medicinal Plants

In general terms, these are herbs of small size, whose leaves, stems or fruits use in different preparations for the treatment and prevention of pathologies.

Among other common characteristics of these is that they are accessible to the general public and much cheaper than industrial preparations; they also have the property that a single one can present benefits for different ailments or pathologies.

Since When are Medicinal Plants Used?

The origin of medicinal plants dates back to ancient times since, before modern medicine and synthetic medicines existed, various ancient civilizations used these plants to treat diseases and joint ailments.

It is known that Egyptians use medicinal herbs around 1550 BC and the Greeks in the 16th period BC. Also, medicinal plants share during the Middle Ages and in the Modern Age before the discovery of America.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the knowledge of medicinal plants passes from generation to generation, attributing mainly to women using healing herbs to treat common diseases and ailments.

Most Popular Remedies of Medicinal Plants

There is a wide variety of medicinal plants. However, some of the best-known and most effective according to their properties are:

Sunflower has antibiotic possessions and is a diuretic; it is also ideal for fighting colds and flu.

Aloe vera: To relieve skin injuries and achieve soft and flat skin.

Arnica: To luxury inflammatory conditions, bruises, sprains, and pain.

Artemis: For menstrual and postpartum pain.

Calendula flower: A natural anti-inflammatory for burns, skin irritation, ulcers, and infections.

Peppermint: It is an analgesic, anti-dysmenorrheal, works as an emotional relaxant, and is a good expectorant.

Eucalyptus: For breathing illnesses.

Ginseng: To treat diabetes and erectile dysfunction problems.

Ginger: For gastral problems, fatigue, headache, and menstrual pain.

Mullein greeneries: For bronchitis, cough, sore throat, and cold.

6 Medicinal Plants (and Their Benefits)

6 Medicinal Plants (and Their Benefits)

As we have said, various medicinal plants have interesting properties and can help us alleviate or prevent different problems. Underneath and as an example, we show you twenty of the best-known. However, it should note that many of them may have contraindications, and it is advisable to consult a health expert before taking them. So, if you have specific allergies to plants or your health is delicate, see a doctor before using one of these products, and in case the plant you want to use has powerful effects, or you have doubts about the amount to use, too.

1. Chamomile

Chamomile is one of the medicinal plants that is best known for the possessions of its flower. Its effects are especially pertinent in the treatment of stomach discomfort. In addition to this, it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and calming effects. It uses in gastrointestinal and brawny pain, cramps and headaches, eczema, inflammation of the gums, wounds and sinusitis. It also lowers cholesterol and seems to have anticancer properties.

2. Aloe Vera

Another of the best-known medicinal plants is Aloe Vera. It is a famous plant with an anti-inflammatory capacity and uses in various personal hygiene products due to its favourable action for skin regeneration. It helps to remove stains and heal burns and wounds (although it is essential to do so with medical advice). In addition, the consistency of the liquid inside its leaves is similar to that of a gel, favouring its progressive absorption when spread over the skin.

It can also use to prepare some foods: eaten, it improves intestinal function and strengthens the immune system.

3. Garlic

One of the plants we use the most in the kitchen is also one of the best-known medicinal plants. Garlic is a powerful immune system strength and has effects that promote efficient blood circulation (it is an anticoagulant), in addition to being antibacterial and antibiotic and having antioxidant properties.

4. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is additional of the best-known medicinal plants, particularly its action against respiratory diseases. Asthma, bronchitis or flu are typical problems for which it use. It also has antimicrobial capabilities and eases the secretion of liquids such as mucus (a powerful expectorant).

5. Ponytail

This plant, specifically its stem, is primarily known by those with cystitis or other urinary tract infections. It also positively affects skin and nails, being a good cell regenerator and strengthening the bone. Rich in silicon and highly diuretic, and cathartic, it helps eliminate toxins. It has astringent properties that help control bleeding.

6. Hypericum

Also called St. John’s wort. This medicinal plant has different properties, but its antidepressant properties stand out (in this sense, caution require if it joins with antidepressants, and its consumption is recommended for more than six months), obstructive the reuptake of monoamines.


Since ancient times, when medical knowledge about how our body works. It minimal compare to today, different people used it. If different remedies to relieve discomfort, pain or the symptoms of some diseases. A large part of them was based on the use of the properties of medicinal plants, the knowledge of which allowed, in many cases, to alleviate a large number of ailments. The different medicinal plants have continued to use, even today. First, however, it is necessary to consider their effects on the body, how to use them, and their limited healing potential.

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