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Staying Active with CF Fitness – Walking, Benefits, and Exercise

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Staying active in CF fitness can feel like a complementary act, especially for a person with cystic fibrosis (CF). Sure, there are good fun ways to become your body touching. But recall, it is always finest to do what works for you and, eventually, what works for your CF.

We asked our CF advocates to part their favorite ways to stay active. Read through their fun and creative responses. You may find your next physical activity below!

Response from Ella

My favorite ways to stay active are playing tennis with networks when the weather is nice, especially in the coil and fall months and when my lungs are powerful.

Low Lung Function and Exertion of CF Fitness

Low lung function, exertion, and physical activity are complex for me. But I also know how significant it is to keep my lungs strong and to move mucus from the airways. So a few times a week, I also do HIIT exercises using light weights (following my favorite YouTube suitability trainer Sydney Cummings). Once I am sore nonetheless still want to get approximately cardio, I use the indirect I have in my house.

Response from Katelyn

Staying active is so vital for physical well-being and cerebral health. I was an acrobat and runner for years when I was younger, but today when I’m in my mid-thirties, my joints aren’t what they used to be!

Walking Benefits CF Fitness

Nowadays, I enjoy walking with my husband in our neighbourhood or conference up with an acquaintance at a park and mobile around and liking the view. It helps save my muscles stretched, helps with airway clearance, and helps me clear my mind. I’ve also noticed I sleep much healthier on the days I am active!


Apart from being a ma of two littles which saves me very active throughout the daily, I love to take family gaits or hikes in the twilights. Our love for family gaits grew out of the COVID lockdowns when we were sheltering in place, but we needed something to do with our son before we went stir-crazy.

Good but Gentle Exercise of CF Fitness

Good but Gentle Exercise of CF Fitness

We are lucky to live near a national park with many easily accessible hiking sites. Hiking is a good but gentle exercise for my lungs as well. The fun part is that nature is vast, and there’s always a new sight as a family!

Response from Kenny

Staying active has been part of my wellness routine since I was young. I’ve always understood physical activity and workouts are great natural habits to keep my lungs robust and help them change out more mucus than living actions alone can do.

To that end, I was complicated in all types of sports throughout childhood: soccer, baseball, basketball, ball, rugby, lacrosse, and perhaps more that I can’t remember now. They are all pretty cardio-intensive sports and helped keep my breathing healthy.

Recreational Sports of CF Fitness

Of course, as growing up and getting busier, those doings fell away, and I had to discover new ways to stay alive. College found me using the site gym (although less than I must have) and trying to get into recreational sporting like dodgeball. Since then, I’ve wedged with a similar approach as an adult.

I try to work out by going to the gym or even jogging around my neighbourhood. I also found recreational sports programs where I live to keep me active, so I’ve been talented in playing things like kickball and volleyball. My favourite way to keep moving has been running with dogs we foster or walked for local shelters. That’s emotionally fulfilling, as well as physically.

A Changing World of CF Fitness

Finally, with the world’s changing over the past two years, my gym time or jogging around the neighbourhood heavily impact, so I invested in home exercise equipment. As a result, I have a rowing machine and a Tonal home gym to help keep me very busy (and hopefully well) during all my time at home these days.

To sum it up, diversity has been key to custody lively and making sure living therapies aren’t my only source of workout, and the more action I do, the better I feel.

Response from Cheri

I love dancing and singing! I was involved in show choir and public theatre for over 20+ years. Since my husband and I became foster parents, we have taken a step back to have time for all our kids’ appointments and commitments. However, I still do ball workouts and sing all the time!

Fun Workout Routines of CF Fitness

Fun Workout Routines of CF Fitness

I also joined a fitness app and did weekly dance workouts in several areas. The package keeps me accountable (I’m not usually excited about working out). But it’s significant, so I find fun workout routines to keep me motivated.

Response from Nicole

There have been phases of my life once I wasn’t as active or didn’t have a structured routine. However, as I have a full-grown older. If realize that I thrive best when I have some habit; without it. It seems to waste a lot of time. Most recently, as I juggle working full-time, and being a wife. And also, being a full-time mom to twin 5-year-olds in school, I find that.


Research shows that regular physical activity or workout delivers multiple aids for people with cystic fibrosis. These benefits go beyond healthier lung function. Keeping fit also assists you in strengthening your bones, managing diabetes and heart illness and improving your mood.