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Easy Ways to Boost Concentration – Importance, Exercises, & Trick

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Easy Ways to Boost Concentration

According to the easy ways to boost concentration is royal school of the Spanish language, concentration is the action and effect of intensely focusing attention on something. In our daily life, it is essential to learn to concentrate. An excellent ability to focus enormously helps us be more effective when performing any task. The benefits of having good concentration are many: they increase our memory, our effectiveness in decision-making, our precision, and our agility in the challenge at hand.

The Importance of Boost Concentration

The vice of using electronic devices is the villain of concentration, a typical problem of the 21st century. This is because technology dominates virtually every aspect of life during the waking time, which comes at a cognitive cost. Therefore, if you want to improve your concentration, try to practice the advice we have given you.

  • You will see that you will have a more remarkable ability to carry out your daily commitments, and you will be able to relax your mind, increasing your quality of life.
  • We hope you have enjoyed our tips.
  • Also, please take a look at our tips to beat procrastination.

The Main Enemies of Easy Ways to Boost Concentration

The Main Enemies of Easy Ways to Boost Concentration

We have already talked about how changing some situations or routines can be of countless help when you want to maintain a high concentration level. But do you know what the great opponents of concentration are? Because although it is essential to understand what will help us improve our attention, it is also important to be able to detect the distractions we will find in our daily lives. So here we bring you a list of some of the most common enemies of the concentration:

1. Not Eating a Balanced Diet

When studying, you must take utmost care of your diet and follow a healthy and balanced meal routine. Do you think that food has nothing to do with concentration? Imagine a copious meal, one of those that makes you have heavy digestion for the rest of the afternoon. Then, with your belly complete, think about grabbing a few books and starting a study session—best for those lazy days when you don’t need to be at peak performance.

2. Sedentary Lifestyle

If you want to help your concentration, forget about spending your life on the couch and do some physical exercise. You don’t have to rush to sign up for yoga, spinning, or Pilates. Really any physical activity you do eliminates stress and releases endorphins, so the important thing is that you move. A run first thing in the morning, skating around the neighborhood a couple of days a week, or playing paddle tennis with your friends will be enough to forget about anxiety and stay focused when you have to study.

3. Poor Hydration

Your brain dehydrates quite quickly when you’re at a high-performance level. When dehydration begins, however small it may be, you begin to feel tired and sleepy, drastically decreasing your concentration. Get used to always having a bottle of water nearby when you start studying and drinking from it every so often. Then, you will see how a simple glass of water will keep you alert and wanting to continue looking for longer.

Exercises to Easy Ways to Boost Concentration

You may not believe it, but concentration can also be trained; what happiness is that you probably do not have the slightest idea of ​​how you can do it. So today, we want to teach you some straightforward exercises so that, little by little, you train your ability to concentrate. The activities we propose will not take you more than 10 minutes, and if you carry them out, you will be able to verify their high effectiveness from the first days.

Concentration Exercise 1

Sit comfortably but upright. Take a cut glass and fill it with water up to half its capacity. Grab it with your hand and put it at eye level, keeping your arm in that position. Now you must concentrate on preventing any movement in the water. It may seem simple, but you must focus, so the water does not move.

Concentration Exercise 2

Look for an analogy watch, the kind with a second hand. Please put it in sight and when the needle reaches twelve, begin to concentrate solely on its path through the clock. Indeed at the beginning of putting this exercise into practice, you will find it challenging to be cantered, or other thoughts will come to you. If this happens, it starts over.

Concentration Exercise 3

Find a quiet, quiet place with no distractions. Put a mat or towel on the floor. Lie down on it and close your eyes. Now take a deep breath, being aware of your breathing. Go through your body slowly with your mind, becoming aware of each part. Begin the tour at the feet, going through your toes and nooks and crannies, and slowly work your way up to your head. Finish the ride on your chest, focusing on your breath.

Tips and Tricks to Easy Ways to Boost Concentration

Tips and Tricks to Easy Ways to Boost Concentration

The time comes to sit down to study; you stand in front of the book or notes, and although you start your study very focused on what you should do, you realize that little by little, you lose the focus and concentration you need to study. Before you know it, you have exhausted the time you had reserved for looking and have practically been unable to do anything you had planned. And now comes the moment of frustration.

1. Plan the Study and Meet the Schedules

Prepare a weekly plan and put it in a visible place from your study space when you have it ready. This will help you keep your goals in sight and be clear about what tasks you need to do daily. Of course, it does not matter that one day, for something specific, you do not carry out your study session. Still, it is necessary that you commit yourself, that you take it seriously from the beginning, and that you try to maintain your daily study routine.

2. Correctly Manage your Concentration Times

When carrying out an intellectual activity, in this case, we are talking about studying; we all have moments of maximum concentration, in which we are very focused on what we are doing, we are faster and understand any concept more easily. We call these top yield peaks the concentration decline threshold. After the moments of maximum concentration, the valleys arrive, where we cannot maintain concentration at a high level.

3. Study Actively

Please don’t make it easy for your brain; make it exercise daily. How? Actively studying. Force yourself to question data, review and complete what you are looking for daily. Take notes and annotations, explain the topic or make diagrams. This is a pretty effective way of thinking only about what you’re doing and forcing your brain to focus entirely on it.

4. Music can be Your Ally

It has been shown that listening to certain types of music can help maintain a good concentration level. Classical, chill, bossa nova… Any quiet music can help keep your attention on what you are doing, as it will help you create a small microcosm around your desk. Don’t know where to start looking? If you go around platforms like YouTube or Spotify. If you can find many specific music playlists to study and concentrate on that will help you in your study sessions.

5. Use Technology

Technology around us can be a significant source of distractions, but it can also help us avoid them and motivate us to focus on studying. So, as you can see, depending on how we use technological devices, they can be an advantage or a disadvantage.


Concentration can be understood as the ability to maintain attention on a task longer than others without getting distracted. The more senses are used in the activity that is carried out, the greater the concentration. The main component of engagement is the ability to focus attention. In on the task at hand and not be distracted by irrelevant internal or external stimuli.